Applications have smoothly integrated into people’s daily routines, and as more and more people start using applications, more attention should be paid to the protection of mobile applications. Welcome to the owasp mobile top 10, a list of the most dangerous threats that can negatively impact the applications designed for mobile devices. It is a rich reference manual prepared by security specialists for developers, testers, and organizations who plan, create, and test mobile apps as well as manage an organization’s mobile strategy amidst a constantly changing threat-proliferated world. 

1. Improper Platform Usage

The mobile systems themselves offer a rich set of security options as well as API that developers can utilize to integrate more security into the applications. However, improper usage of platforms refers to such aspects that are misused or even completely omitted, when designing learning features. This may include erring at platform-specific security controls, improper use of biometric authorization, or incorrect settings of app’s privilege. Failing to leverage iOS and Android security features to the maximum minimizes the security of apps and makes them Susceptible to several attacks and hacks. 

2. Insecure Data Storage

There is no doubt that one of the most frequent and at the same time potentially dangerous threats in the quality of mobile apps is insecure data storage. This happens when information of health, credit card numbers, user names and passwords, ids, mails, or even personal numbers or documents are stored in the device without any type of security or encryption. Any person who obtains unauthorized access to the device or finds other holes in its protection can obtain this information, thus violating the user’s privacy and security. 

3. Insecure Communication

Due to the advances in the field of technology, specifically in the connectivity of devices in the current world, many mobile apps interact with backend servers and other services. Insecure communication is a tangible concept that defines weaknesses found in communication processes between the app and extra systems. This may comprise such behaviors as using low-strength ciphers, not checking SSL certificates, or adopting wrong types of authentication. The mentioned vulnerabilities can also be taken advantage by the attackers and in essence enable them to eavesdrop, amend or inject undesired and even injurious data into the flow of the conversation, this may lead to leakage of secure data or unauthorized user authentication. 

4. Insecure Authentication

Identification is the act of establishing the identity of a user and this is one of the severest mistakes a mobile app can make in the department of security by implementing a poor authentication system. Insecure authentication can be expressed as, for example, ineffective passwords, no or insufficient MFA, or bad session management. These vulnerabilities can enable the attackers mimic legitimate users, view, steal and or manipulate data, or perform unlawful operations in the app.

5. Insufficient Cryptography

Cryptography also has a significant function in the security of mobile apps, but if the cryptography is not used in a proper way or in the needed amount, it gives merely an illusion of protection. The risks involved in this context include things like use of old and insecure cryptographic algorithms, poor management of cryptographic keys, and matters of employing poor cryptography in place of proven and tested cryptographic libraries. If data is encrypted, it can still be unsafe as the current cryptographic approaches can be penetrated for various reasons if they are not very strong to defeat most contemporary attacks. 

6. Insecure Authorization 

While, the authentication ascertains the identity of the user, the authorization defines the level and the kind of access the user has within the app. Insecure authorization is found when an app does not sufficiently act as a barrier to certain requests by the user and by doing so, grants more privileges than the user is supposed to have. Such a type of attack may include horizontally privilege escalation where the hacker gets access to other users’ information or vertically privilege escalation where the hacker gets elevated access or permission to the admin level.

7. Client Code Quality

This and other factors mean that substandard codes can bring out many security loopholes in the mobile applications. This category covers problems like unexpected overflows, the using of a format-string as parameter, and other forms of programmer’s mistakes that a cracker can take advantage of. Although some of these may seem less dangerous as other on the list, they could be used to breach and create a window for other more dangerous attacks. To ensure that the end product is an effective and secure mobile application high code quality is to be maintained through the use of testing, particularly code reviews, use of good and secure code practices. 

8. Code Tampering

Code tampering as defined as alteration of the code or the resources of a mobile application once it has been delivered. This can be realized through code injection techniques involving the dispensing of damaging code, or else manipulating the application’s inherent functionality to outmaneuver security measures in place. On rooted or jailbroken devices, attackers can even pretty much tamper with the app’s code and control it as they want. 

9. Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is a method of studying an app’s binary form and, as a result, seeing the algorithms used, the cryptographic keys, and other elements, some of which might be proprietary. However, getting at least some level of reverse engineering usually remains possible, so it is better to minimize the likelihood and increase time required for such actions to be performed. Methodologies consisting of futile code, protecting key resources using encryption, and preventing the addition of breakpoints in the code will make the task much harder and time-consuming for hackers and such applications and will be more than enough to repel all but the most determined perpetrators. 

10. Extraneous Functionality 

Debug functionality implemented in the production versions of the mobile applications is often missed or left intentionally and may be used as another pathway into the system or a means to gain privileged access. This could be the developer backdoors, the APIs that are well concealed or the debugging features which are well known to developers but these are not meant to be used by normal users. It is important for apps to be reviewed as well as de-bugged to ensure it does not include the unnecessary or the fatal that could compromise its security. 


The ability to comprehend and deal with the OWASP Mobile Top 10 is vital for designing adaptive, responsive mobile programs because of the increasingly risky environment prominent in modern application development. Nevertheless, it is worth stating that the implementation of such measures can be rather difficult for developers or organizations. It is here that solutions such as Appsealing are useful. AppSealing integrates most of the risks that OWASP Mobile Top 10 articules and provide the developers with a powerful weapon to keep their mobile applications secured from reverse engineering and other threats. Thus, using such sophisticated security technologies, developers can work on producing new and unique applications and guarantee that their users are to be protected at the highest level from any intrusions. 


By Radhe Gupta

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...

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